Saturday, November 5, 2011

November and Christmas Shopping

Well here we are, November already!

A few reasons why I love November.  

1.  November is the National Adoption Awareness month.  With the actual day on Nov 19th.  This year our church is having Orphan Sunday this Sunday the 6th.  Adoption will be talked about during all 4 services and there will be a lunch and breakout sessions afterwards.

2.  Veteran's Day.  This day has become more important as we have military men and women serving to protect and to keep our country free.  Also, it has touched me personally since my husband served in the Navy for 14 1/2 years and went through two wars.  The stories he has shared, just makes me even more grateful to him and everyone else that has served.  THANK YOU to all you Veteran's!

3.  Thanksgiving.  Well that is a given.  But what am I grateful.for?  First and foremost my family!  It has been my dream to have a family and even though it came later than what I thought it would, God has seen to have blessed me with one!  For that I am THANKFUL beyond words.

4.  My step-son's birthday.  He's turning the big 18!  A milestone this year and we actually have him on his birthday this year.  So looking forward to celebrating with him.

Last but certainly not least, I love November because this month seems to be when Christmas shopping kicks into gear.  So for the last couple of years we've been able to shop with a purpose.  What does that mean exactly?

There are more and more families fundraising for their adoptions to help bring their children home.  There is some really neat stuff that are up to buy and the funds spent will go towards their adoptions!  How cool is that!  Okay I have to admit, I just bought something today from my friend Joleigh to help her bring her daughter home from Eastern Europe.  It is so cool!  She actually hand knits these hats herself.  Go check it out HERE!

So I have added a button on the right hand side bar, click on it and it will take to you a blog for the families that are fundraising.  

This year, I want to teach the kids about giving for Christmas and that is donating towards the families fundraising.  After all we are still so grateful to everyone that helped by donating to bring Michael home!

So I hope that you will stop by the blog and check it out what you can shop for and help these families too!


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