About Michael

Meaning of name:
Han - Common last name
Jin - For the city Tianjin
Peng - Is a giant bird in Chinese legend and means Great future

Our son is one amazing boy to have gone through what he has in his life so far.  

Here is a little bit of his story:..Bless his heart.

He is 12 years old and has mild CP (cerebral palsy). 

When he was four years old, his birth mother told him that they were going to the hospital for treatment, but she abandoned him at the Physical Therapy room at the outpatient department of the Children’s Welfare Institute. After a concerted effort to locate his birth parents, which was unsuccessful, he was admitted to the institute for care taking.

The first two months at the institute, he was not happy. He would cry whenever he remembered his mother. He was always waiting for his mother to take him home. It was very sad. After a period of therapy, he gradually became accustomed to life at the institute. His mood improved and gradually, he embraced the big loving family at the institute as his own.

He has has been described with an extroverted character; he enjoys communicating with others; likes to help people; has a good reputation amongst his little friends.

He likes sports and drawing.  

We know he likes sports as we have seen video of him doing Karate.  And yes, he looks like he is a character too.  :)

We just can't wait to have him home and a part of our family!