Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 5

No new pics today.

We have had a busy day getting all the paperwork done for the adoption to make it final!

And I'm happy to say, it's done! Michael is officially ours!

We are back at the hotel room and just played a few games of war.

There are two other families here adopting, one a 3 year old boy and the other an 18 mos old girl. Cute beyond belief!

The mom of the 3 yr old boy and I were talking this morning at breakfast and when she asked what our sons name was, she says, "oh, I know who you are. I've been to your blog, your name is Cathy. What a small world." It really is!

Today, we have learned that he like soccer and his favorite colors are blue and green.

Oh and before I forget, Michael has been saying in English, "oh my g*d." MM tells him, we don't say "oh my g*d, we say oh my gosh!" So I explained to MM he doesn't know that.

So we sat down at the translator and explained about not saying that and how we go to church and learn about Jesus and pray and how nice everyone is at church.

He said, "okay." Oh I can't wait to see what God has planned for our son!

We have a free day tomorrow, and hoping to get together with an American volunteer at Michael's orphanage and then Thursday will be a fun day for the kids! You'll have to wait and see what is planned. Miss Magoo is excited!

I'm one happy momma!!

Until the next post!

God bless!


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